Wednesday 24 April 2013

Day 114: Hide and Seek

In order to make a fresh start away from the memories of his wife’s suicide, David (Robert De Niro) takes his daughter Emily (Dakota Fanning) off into the country to live in a new house. Emily is having a difficult time with the death of her mother and she ends up with an imaginary friend, Charlie, who gets progressively more violent. But Charlie might not be so imaginary after all.

I’m not really sure how accepting I’d be if my child had an imaginary friend. It would freak me out just so much, I don’t think I’d handle it well. I’m always freaked out anyway by children’s mad ability to see ghosts and whatever. When my nephew was younger, he’d stand up in his cot and stare up into the corner of the ceiling and giggle. Like, no thank you, I don’t want any of that. Obviously in this film it’s a bit different in that (spoilerspoiler) Charlie is actually Emily’s dad, David. He caught his wife cheating on him and, I’m not sure if that’s when Charlie became real for him but it was Charlie who then killed the wife and made it look like a suicide. Then Charlie would play with Emily and tell her things to try and upset David. Eventually David works it out but then he fully becomes Charlie and is just really creepy and trying to murder everyone. He’s chasing Emily but her psychologist, Katherine (Famke Janssen), saves the day. Actually, on second thoughts, I’d much prefer an imaginary friend over a murdery person. Maybe.

I always like it in fiction when someone has Dissociative Identity Disorder. I know it’s such a cliché but it’s just so interesting. De Niro does the difference well, he doesn’t go too over-the-top with Charlie but just manages to add a little danger to his eyes and voice.



  1. "Dakota looks too young to be their kid.
    Pills and wine and all in black, I can sense the foreshadowing.
    Telling her you love her. You're so clearing leaving her, oh no.
    Oh no oh no, don't go in there, you'll see. God, the shock of the blood always gets me with those kinds of suicides.
    That's some intense stare you've got there, lassie.
    Famke! I totally believe you as a Doctor and you should always be one.
    Music boxes always creep me out.
    The population sign looked old, does nobody die/have babies there?
    Adults are so weird at talking to kids.
    Ugh, she's just staring into the woods. NO THANK YOU. NO.
    CAVE. Do not follow the butterfly into the cave. Do not.
    Do people actually bring jams and things 'round to new people?
    Alarm bells! "He doesn't want me to talk about him." De Niro is good at wheedling the info out though. And he's worked out it's an imaginary friend. I'd have jumped straight to 'paedo'.
    "Fun like Mummy." Harsh, way to cut him down.
    The New Year memory/dream always wakes him up. Zomg, at the same time he found his wife.
    Oh wow, "You let her die" written around the bath.
    Are you just... stabbing the doll?
    Why is everyone going on about how beautiful she is? What an odd thing to keep pointing out. Yes, I'm very glad that his child is deemed attractive by the majority of adult stranger she comes across.
    Uh oh, the window's open even though Daddy Niro couldn't open it himself.
    Playing hide and seek with Charlie. NOPE.
    Well, this is a frightening Narnia. Why would this room even exist? For all the murders/bodies people would have to hide? I guess that's convenient.
    Son of a bitch, the power went out when she was in the ridiculous Hell-Narnia.
    Oh christ, drowned cat.
    I don't know, man. Your daughter is having a really bad time and yet you're just hanging out in your office with your headphones on with the music up loud? Dude, you need to be listening out.
    Christ, fucking dead in the bath. Jesus.
    Ooooh, it was him all along. How excellent!
    How is he killing the lights and taking the girl? And how is he managing to get around the house like that? BAM, SHOVEL TO THE FACE.
    She must be so frightened by this, what a shame.
    Aw yeah, shoot him down. Well done, babe."

  2. Only 1 babe this time. Was that a conscious effort?

  3. Well, I'd have said 'babe' more if Famke had more scenes but alas, she did not. Also I might be trying to say babe less.
