Wednesday 17 April 2013

Day 107: Casanova

You would, wouldn't you? I mean, I don't care what your usual 'type' is, you would. I don't believe anyone wouldn't have slept with Heath Ledger. Look at his face. Easiest decision ever. I went into this film thinking, how could he persuade all these women to have sex with him and disregard all the dangers to their reputation? But two seconds in and it was obvious. He made them feel loved and he obviously gave them a good time, and he was beautiful while doing so. Babe.

Casanova (Heath Ledger) is a man who enjoys the more beautiful things in life, more specifically, he enjoys beautiful women. And he enjoys them often. But after meeting Francesca (Sienna Miller) he isn’t interested in anyone else and does his best to be near her. It all becomes a muddle of mistaken identity and lies but once the truth is known, it’s all about the love in the end.

I loved it when Casanova tries to marry Victoria (Natalie Dormer) and her father is going on and on about how she’s a virgin and she’s never had an impure thought. All the while she’s standing in the background just bubbling with so much sexual frustration that she breaks a birdcage and then later she breaks the bridge. Love it. She just wants some sex, can’t fault the woman there. Actually that seemed to be what everyone wanted. Maggie from The Walking Dead (Lauren Cohan) plays a nun in this and I yelped when I saw her. Love Maggie, she is excellent. And as a sex mad nun is even better, my goodness.

Anyway. Lots of sex and lots of lying. The film was alright, I’m not all that fussed on it, to be honest. Heath is a babe, as always.



  1. I really liked the Tennant serial.

    This was crappy.

  2. I've not seen it but I'll have a look for it.

  3. Tennant series was good. Bit more...well I don't really know but it was better. But David Tennant is pretty sweet, so maybe it's just that. Not that I don't like Heath but I wasn't taken with him in this.

