Tuesday 23 April 2013

Day 113: Mars Attacks!

Martians have come to Earth and in a surprise turn of events, the response isn’t to just attack them. But perhaps that might have been for the best as the Martians end up attacking instead. Nuking them has no effect so humanity turns to Slim Whitman and his yodelling talents in order to save the world.

I’ve seen this film loads of times, it’s just so easy to watch. I love how ridiculous it is, especially at the end when you’ve got Tom Jones dancing in amongst deer while there’s an eagle perched on his arm. Come on, it’s great. And Jack Nicholson as President of America would clearly be an excellent choice.



  1. I didn't take any notes today. And there are so many famous people in this film but it wouldn't let me add them all in the labels (there's a character limit) so that's why there's a few missing.

  2. I also like this film for it's utter sillyness. I don't know how it got so many big names it.
