Tuesday 21 May 2013

Day 141: Girl With A Pearl Earring

A young maid comes to work in the Vermeer household and becomes the subject of one of his most famous paintings. Griet (Scarlett Johannson) helps Vermeer with his work and his wife is devastated with jealousy.

While I can usually appreciate a slow-paced film, this was a little too slow for me. I’m not sure the acting was strong enough to hold my interest for long periods of time, particularly when they are supposed to be communicating with a look. The relationship between Colin Firth and Scarlett Johannson wasn't believable, there seemed to be no chemistry there whatsoever. I realise the reserved nature of the characters would’ve been true to the time and situation and it’s not that I was expecting sudden declarations of love or anything but it did all seem rather plain and dull. Perhaps I needed to be in the right mood for this film, I’m sure if I was then I’d give it a higher rating and would’ve enjoyed it more.


1 comment:

  1. "Griet? That's quite a name.
    Ha, don't pray with the Catholics, heaven forbid.
    You look so odd with your hair all covered like that.
    Bitchy wee ginger child.
    It's going to take all day if you're cleaning that slowly.
    Ugh, pig heads.
    Where are her eyebrows?
    Such a messy cook.
    Aw, she looks so uncomfortable.
    Oh no, will she be thinking lustful thoughts during church?
    What a wee bitch, ginger kids are clearly the worst.
    The bint is going to make it look like Griet stole something, I can already tell.
    Ugh, still another 40 minutes.
    Think I'd quite like to mix colours, it looks relaxing.
    Knew it. Little bitch.
    Uuuuugh, what a dick.
    Yeah, I'm not feeling whatever is going on between you two.
    Oh Scarlett, what a beautiful mouth you have.
    Oh no, get away from her Ruijven.
    Should've got drunk first, DIY ear piercing is much less painful that way.
    That looks like a difficult pose to hold.
    You went from barely letting him kiss you to fucking him in an alley/ Did you only have sex with him because you couldn't have sex with Jan? Seems cold."
