Sunday 12 May 2013

Day 132: Crazy, Stupid, Love

After his wife cheats on him and says she wants a divorce, Cal (Steve Carell) spends his time moping in a bar until he is taken under the wing of big time womaniser Jacob (Ryan Gosling). He gets out of his slump and is reminded of what it’s like to make an effort with women, but he really just wants to be with his wife again.

I was expecting this to be dreadful and it was not that at all. Of course some parts were cheesy but on the whole, I liked it. It was interesting to me that Cal accepted that his wife cheated on him and that he still wanted to be with her. I didn’t like that he seemed to be taking all the blame on himself; just because he’s not really been exciting anymore doesn’t mean it should be alright that she cheats on him. He believes she is ‘the one’ and that he wants to be with her no matter what. Don’t really know if I’m a fan of the whole ‘the one’ thing. I just don’t see how it’s possible that there’s just one person out there for you. Especially if that person would then cheat on you.

I wanted to write more but, y’know, alcohol. So.



  1. "Divorce. So that must be awful.
    Haa, walked in while he was masturbating.
    You want a divorce AND you cheated on him? Ugh.
    Dude, why would you tell her you masturbate while thinking of her?
    I love cheesy pick-up lines. Would work on me.
    Yeah, you don't get to go through this stress with him, you have fucking taken him apart, he doesn't have to listen to your woes.
    "I'm gonna help you rediscover your manhood." Ugh, what a terrible line.
    Josh Groban!
    Aw, don't marry someone because he's nice. Awful reason.
    That's an impressive number of women you're sleeping with in such a short time.
    It's so hot that he's being honest? Really?
    Ah, so he's had sex with a couple of strangers and now he's a stud? Don't believe that actually happens.
    She cheated on you because she was stressing out, don't get back with her, come on.
    What a jackass. He "needs some time" to think about how he feels about you? Leave him. Now.
    Oh wow, so that was a kiss.
    Oh... dear. He uses that 'Time of My Life' song from Dirty Dancing to get women to sleep with him. My dad used that to break up with a woman.
    Right so I've never noticed the Ryan Gosling thing before but I'm definitely seeing it here.
    Aw, they're laughing and being all sweet. He's opening up to her. You're so going to love her, dude.
    Oh. My. God. His daughter.
    I love that they make each other laugh. What more could you want?"

  2. I was actually going to ask you to watch a rom-com for my birthday, so I'm glad you chose this film rather than some scary or freaky one. I thought it was okay and Gosling is a babe, so thanks for picking up on my subliminal request.

  3. No worries. I'll watch whatever so if you want me to watch something, just say. I can't always guarantee I'll pick up on your subliminal requests.

  4. I wouldn't hold your breath, mind... I'm still waiting for most of mine ;P.

  5. Perhaps I should endorse some of Adam's choices for us to have twice the chance of getting on the what-should-She-watch-today list. I have a feeling we might have slightly different tastes, although Love Actually does have Keira in it, but you can't watch that before December. Maybe Pirates of the Caribbean? I want to say something that you haven't seen before and will love but I'm not sure that will be possible.

  6. It wouldn't be possible with that film because I hate pirates. And I'm not massively fussed on Johnny Depp, really.

    It's difficult to watch Adam's choices because they aren't available on Sky or LoveFlix and I'm not a fan of buying things I know I'm probably not gonna like.

  7. Get Adam to buy it and send it to you? That's what I do. I mean, I'd send you a film I wanted you to watch, rather than get Adam to buy me films.

  8. Not sure if he'll go for it but I'll give it a shot.
