Saturday 4 May 2013

Day 124: Robin Hood

Robin Hood steals from the rich to give to the poor and he’s mighty smug about it. Prince John has raised taxes to a crippling level and the people just can't afford to pay them, so the majority end up in jail. Prince John is only really interested in capturing Robin Hood, however, and he sets a few traps that fail miserably.

Rather than steal the occasional bundle of gold perhaps Robin Hood could’ve done something about Prince John directly, that way all the folk of Nottingham wouldn’t end up starved and in jail. Just a thought. I’m sure I used to like this film but today I just thought it was boring.


1 comment:

  1. "The Rooster makes me uncomfortable.
    Had absolutely no idea Friar Tuck was meant to be a badger. Looks nothing like one.
    I like how they're so amused by almost being killed by arrows.
    This is how I imagine rich people, just sitting there playing with bundles of money.
    The Sheriff looks more like a bear than a wolf.
    I love Lady Kluck.
    Not a fan of the rhinos being the bad guys.
    "I love you more than life itself." Do people actually say that?
    Yep, Lady Kluck is easily my favourite.
    Was this film always this boring?
    Didn't realise people actually used to shout "all's well."
    This is all just terribly guarded.
    Not really sure how you thought you could attack him with fire and not expect the place to go up in flames. Also, what's with Disney always trying to kill foxes with fire?
    Why would this snake stick around?
    Wow, that is one majestic looking lion."
