Thursday 31 January 2013

Day 31: The Awakening

I don’t like feeling scared but I like Rebecca Hall and her freckles, so. Scary film today. I decided to go all out and watch it in the dark because apparently I hate myself. Most of my notes are all capitals and swearing so I’m not sure I’ll have much to say about this one.

Florence (Rebecca Hall) is a badass hoax exposer in the ‘20s. She’s asked by a teacher (Dominic West) from a boarding school to determine whether there is a ghost at the school. Setting up all her fake-ghost-catching equipment she sets about calming the children and ridding them of their nonsense fears. But soon enough she doubts herself and begins to see things that she cannot explain.

There is actually nothing more frightening than ghost children, I don’t care what anybody says. Children scare me a bit anyway so obviously I’d be terrified of ghostly ones. And that is what we have here, a ghost child. We also have a creepy handyman type who takes an instant disliking to our Freckles. He attacks her and is about to rape her when the twisted face of the ghost appears and stops him. My notes from this moment go:  “GET OFF HER YOU ABSOLUTE WANKER OK GHOST IS REAL FUCKING FUCKER FUCK”. I screamed, I won’t lie to you.

I can’t really say much more because it’ll give too much away and while I don’t mind with other films, the whole premise of scary films is that you don’t know what’s going to happen next. It was alright as far as these films go, it had jumpy bits and I was definitely frightened.

“A life haunted isn’t a life at all. We may as well be ghosts ourselves.”


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