Thursday 10 January 2013

A Play and a Book

Richard III by William Shakespeare

Now, I went into this knowing that I am not Shakespeare's biggest fan. I thought maybe that was just my reaction to reading his plays in school so I'm trying again to make sure. My problem with them is that they're tediously dramatic. However, I realise they are plays so that's the point, thereby making my problem with them pointless. But the problem still stands.

I didn't realise Richard III was such a bastard. Just killing people all over the place and making his nephews out to be legitimate so they couldn't be king, then (potentially) having them killed. Madness. I quite liked his run-ins with the women who were cursing him. In order to try and accept my problem with the plays I was reading out loud really dramatically so it made those scenes all the more amusing.

This one wasn't too bad, actually. And I learned a bit about Richard III. Learning is always fun.



Sister by Rosamund Lupton

I definitely judged this book by it's cover; it looks like a book you'd find in Tesco, if you catch my drift. And perhaps the story was perfect for one of those books; adultery, missing sisters, sick babies, murder. However, the way the story was told was well done and the story itself was very interesting. I'm going to go all cliche here but I was definitely hooked pretty much from start to finish. I muttered often "Come on, what happens next!" which is a good sign for a book that is setting out to draw you in.

The narrator is suspicious of everyone and by about half way through I was suspicious of everyone too. You believe the pain she's in, trying to find the truth despite everyone working against her. I cried plenty while reading it and I'd probably recommend it for others to read themselves. I'm glad I ignored my first impression and read anyway.



  1. Re: Richard III. Leaving aside the broadly accepted truths, what did I tell you about this play, the date it was written and the characteristics portrayed within? ;P

  2. I like my kings to be selfish murderers, don't take that away from me.
