Monday 14 January 2013

Day 14: Labyrinth

Stroppy teenager Sarah (Jennifer Connelly) doesn’t want to look after her screaming baby brother so she wishes the Goblin King (David Bowie) would come and take him away.

I’ve never watched David Bowie sing before but does he always look massively awkward? When he was singing the Magic Dance song he looked so uncomfortable. Jennifer Connelly was great. I’m not sure if I usually like her but she was good in this role.

The imagination is such an important thing and I love that it was given significance in the film. People discount imagination so often, telling you to “be realistic” but I think it’s crucial to understanding things. In order to find the courage to do things you’ve got to dream about doing them and all the things that could happen as a result. Sarah wanted her brother to be gone and dreamed of goblins taking him away, thinking she’d get what she wanted as a result but she didn’t. It helped her realise what is important and not to take things for granted. If you do then you miss out on so much.

I was a little confused as to why the Goblin King was in love with Sarah but I think it makes sense now. Perhaps it was her determination to make it through the labyrinth despite all the terrible things that happened to her. For someone so young she was so strong and never gave up. I think it’s really amazing when people do that. They have the worst time and can work through it and come out the other side. Those are the best people, I usually find. And the ones to take notes from. Sarah always saw the best in the dwarf even when she knew he was trying to get rid of her. She was prepared to give him a second chance because they were friends. I don’t think I’m that good with giving people second chances, in fact if someone does something that I think is wrong I usually just strike them out of my life. Which sounds a bit dramatic but is less so in reality. Humans aren’t perfect things so I should understand that people mess up from time to time but I am so unforgiving that I find it difficult to know that when it’s happening. I liked that she forgave him though since he was clearly deserving of it.

Thoroughly enjoyed the film. Will have to watch it again though as I was a bit distracted during it today. All the puppets were brilliant and the songs were great too.


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