Thursday 24 January 2013

Day 24: Walk the Line

The film follows the life of Johnny Cash as he makes it as a musician, falls in love, makes a lot of mistakes and then gets back on track. Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon were wonderful here. They had so much chemistry and their voices weren’t half bad either. Watching this film I realised I know little to nothing about Johnny Cash and that’s a damn shame.

While I understand we’re all wanting Johnny and June to be together, it must have been horrible to be Vivian. She had to sit by while he was in love with someone else. And so clearly in love with someone else. Yeah, she wasn’t all that supportive but you can see the sense in that, he was away all the time on tours and she was left to look after the children. Apparently (according to that ol’ bastion of knowledge, Wikipedia) they had only dated for 3 weeks before he was off for 3 years in the Air Force. During the time he was gone they sent hundreds of love letters and when he came back they got married. That’s such a brilliant story. He probably did love her but then with June he had something else, something that seemed to bring him alive.

I’d be interested in watching a film about June because her part in all of this was so important. Like I said, I think she brought Cash alive and she cares for him throughout despite how painful it is for her sometimes. When he falls in the lake she jumps right in after him. She keeps him safe while he goes through withdrawal. That scene when he wakes up and she hands him the raspberries was just beautiful. He looked so happy that she had stayed with him and took care of him when he needed it.

And I love the way she looks at him. So much love and pain in her eyes. And when he’s singing in the prison she just looks so proud of him. Looks are important, y’know? You can hide so much in words but it’s so hard to hide your feelings in a look. While writing this I’ve been listening to/watching some Johnny Cash songs and videos, to get the feel of it. The way they’re looking at each other in the videos... I can’t stand it, it’s wonderful.


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