Sunday 17 February 2013

Day 48: Singin' In The Rain

It’s the 1920s and talking pictures are coming into fashion. Stars of the silent films, Don (Gene Kelly) and Lina (Jean Hagen), have to move with the times but Lina has a hilariously bad voice and their acting in silent films isn’t coming across so well now. The only solution? Make it a musical! That’s pretty much the solution to everything.

We need to have a talk because I do not understand. Why, in older films, do people kiss so strangely? It’s not just me, right? You can all see it too? It’s like they just press their faces against each other and… that’s it. Or sometimes there’s some dramatic swivelling. I can’t describe it well but it just looks so awkward. Kissing doesn’t look like that, I don’t understand why they would do that. It’s not so bad when Don and Kathy (Debbie Reynolds) kiss but the rest of the time it’s just so bad. And, while I’ve got you here, a lot of the dresses are just so shapeless. It’s like they are wearing frilly sacks. Fashion of the time, I guess, but how did anyone ever think they looked good? Granted I don’t know a heck of a lot about dresses but surely a bit of shape is key, no? Another thing I don’t understand.

Don jumps from a tram and lands in Kathy’s car. They bicker and she tells him he’s not a real actor and he just seems to be half in love with her already. It didn’t even seem odd that he was instantly taken with her and then he doesn’t get to see her for a while but he can’t stop thinking about her. Eventually they get to spend time together and he convinces her to sing Lina’s lines for her. And because I mention it with every other film, I can’t start missing it out now: the way he’s looking at her when she’s singing is just the best. He looks absolutely smitten, I was so happy just watching him watch her.

For some reason I was convinced I wasn’t going to like this film but it turns out I absolutely loved it. Everybody is so cheeky and sweet. What I wouldn’t give to be able to dance and sing, let me tell you.



  1. I'm glad you enjoyed it! If you ever end up watching a more recent musical film, a huge bonus of these old musicals is that during dance scenes they actually stick to one camera angle instead of changing it every split second so you can't actually see what they're doing. The whole routine they do for Good Morning is just incredible and impeccably done. Big love.

    I totally know what you mean about kissing in old films though. I watched Rear Window last night and I was thinking exactly what you wrote in this post.

  2. Totally agree with the Good Morning routine being incredible. I could've just watched the three of them dancing and singing without any plot. They were so wonderful to watch.

    Rear Window is brilliant. It's a shame because I'm sure Grace Kelly and James Stewart are probably great kissers but they don't get to show it off. Boo to censorship!

  3. Still waiting on my picks :P.

  4. You get one pick for February and the rest will be scattered through the rest of the year.

    1. I should have picked 365 titles! I'll know for the 2014 film-a-day sessions ;).

  5. Studied this film at uni so was entirely convinced it'd be ruined for me. I think it's a testament to how good it really is that I still love it so much, even after all the "in depth analysis"..
