Sunday 10 February 2013

Day 41: Jurassic Park

You know how sometimes you just need to watch something with dinosaurs? And by ‘sometimes’ I mean, ‘all the time’? To the friend that picked this film, I thank you for giving me an excuse to watch this beauty.

Rich man who puts the least amount of thought into anything (unless it’s making sure he spares no expense!), John Hammond (Richard Attenborough), brings dinosaurs back from extinction and sets up a wee park for people to come along and see them. Who better to test the highly dangerous and completely unready park on but your own grandchildren? As is expected, it all goes from bad to worse for the people. For the dinosaurs they’re probably happier out of their cages. Swings and roundabouts, I guess?

Alan (Sam Neill) and Ellie (Laura Dern) are the cutest. We first see them as they are digging up a raptor skeleton and Alan puts the fear into a kid who dared to compare the raptor to a turkey. I like how she knows what he's like and that he was going to go off on a dramatic story and that he just doesn’t like children. That obviously doesn’t last though because he becomes a total hero throughout the film, constantly protecting and looking after Tim and Lex. He gets Lex to trust him despite her being terrified, he shields Tim when the car falls on them, and he looks after them while they’re sleeping in the tree. To quote my notes, “Alan, you’re my hero.” And you can see the effect it has on Ellie when they’re in the helicopter at the end and she’s looking at him with the kids. Children might be on the cards after all! Except it’s not because I’ve seen the sequels and it makes me sad. Ellie and Alan are for life in my heart. I mean, they way he looks at her when she says “Dinosaurs eat man, woman inherits the Earth.” is the best. He looks smitten, I just love that look.

While I love the idea of dinosaurs existing again, it would just be mental. Why breed carnivores? You’re just asking for trouble. If I was Hammond here I’d have just ended up with a park full of Triceratops (favourite dinosaur) and Brachiosaurus. How amazing would that be! I’ve always loved Triceratops the most after seeing this film. You only see one and she’s sick but god, I just loved her right away. They are brilliant. And they remind me of rhino, which are my favourite animals, so I guess I couldn’t help but love them. It would be totally safe to have an island of those, definitely.

Absolutely love the film.



  1. I seriously thought you'd rate this 10/10. I know that means perfection (well, for some, but everybody has their own scale) but c'mon, it's JURASSIC PARK.

    Alan is the best character ever, even though he's a grumpy sod. ESPECIALLY because he's a grumpy sod.

    Finally, 'Posted by SheKapow at 23:46' - lolz, so close, Shelagh, so close...

  2. I'm not even sure why I didn't go for 10/10, really. Maybe I'm just saving it for the films that make me sad.

    Alan is such a hero.
    "He left us! He left us!
    "But that's not what I'm gonna do."
    Be still my beating heart.

    Yeah, I was cutting it fine yesterday. I'm sure that was because we were talking and I just took forever to getting round to watching it. I feel under so much pressure with this film thing, I can't even explain.

  3. I should probably watch this film at some point.

  4. You should definitely watch this film at some point. That point is now.

  5. I don't have the film...and I am not as dedicated to the cause as you, so no plans to buy. It's being re-released this year on the cinema though, maybe I should be terrified in 3D?

  6. You're not gonna be terrified. But yes, definitely see it when it's out.
