Sunday 24 March 2013

Day 83: Sex and Lucía

The lives and stories of several people are beautifully told and all are interwoven in interesting ways. Lorenzo (Tristán Ulloa) writes about what is happening in his life and we see what he writes as his girlfriend, Lucía, secretly reads along. But when she believes that Lorenzo is dead, Lucía takes off to the island that was important to him as a young man.

Lucía talks to Lorenzo for the first time, telling him that his book had a hold of her and wouldn’t let go, and that she loves him and thinks they should live together. She says that he will grow to love her. He looks at her, tells her that he thinks he already does love her and agrees that they should live together. My description of it probably doesn’t do it justice but it was actually brilliant, I love that they did that. I’ve always wondered how interesting it would be to do something like that. They both get completely drunk and head back to his, she tells him to do whatever he wants to her but she can barely stay conscious. For a minute I was panicking that this was going to go terribly but he just lies down next to her and they sleep. In the morning she has a look through the house that they’ll now both be living in together while he sleeps, and then she goes back to bed and wakes him up with sex. Throughout the film there is a lot of sex. A lot. Usually I’m not the biggest fan of sex in films but it was really well done here.

Perhaps the one character that is the most fascinating would have to be Belén (Elena Anaya). She is Lorenzo’s daughter’s nanny and over a short period of time she gets to know Lorenzo and confides in him. Her mother is a retired porn star who is in love and living with a man that Belén finds herself attracted to. She tells Lorenzo that she gets excited by watching her mum in the porn films, and that she has masturbated using her mum’s own dildo while watching her mum on screen. (my notes: "What.") Belén and Lorenzo are looking after his daughter and when she goes to sleep they start to have sex. But then it all goes mental and the dog that lives with them attacks and kills the little girl. Belén is obviously traumatised by it all and she tries to kill herself. It was such a fascinating story. I liked that when she was telling Lorenzo about her secret mum story he was totally accepting and non-judgemental.

Do not watch this with family members or anyone you get uncomfortable around. So much sex, I cannot stress that enough.

“The first advantage is at the end of the story. It doesn’t finish, it falls in a hole. And the story starts again halfway through. The other advantage, and the biggest, is that you can change course along the way. If you let me. If you give me time.”
