Sunday 16 June 2013

Day 167: Field of Dreams

After hearing a voice out in his cornfield, Ray Kinsella (Kevin Costner) builds a baseball field and talks to ghosts.

Ray hears the voice telling him, “If you build it, he will come” and eventually he understands that he has to build a baseball field on his farm. His wife doesn’t hear the voice and she thinks he’s a little nuts but she supports him completely and helps him to build it. And even after they have no money left and they’re threatened with eviction, she still supports him and neither of them want to give up the field. I really loved their relationship. Even though she was sceptical she still supported him because she could see that it was something he had to do. Their daughter is great about it too and spends time with Ray listening to his stories about baseball. Their family life was great and it makes me smile to think about.

The main thing I got from the film was the idea that you shouldn’t put anything off because you don’t know when your time is up. It’s weird, I was having a conversation earlier and the guy I was talking to said that the furthest he plans into the future is two weeks because he doesn’t know what’s going to happen. We were talking about the end of the year and he said that anything could happen in that time and it makes no sense to plan that far ahead. In the film, Ray always wanted to tell his dad that he loved him and didn’t mean the awful thing he said but he died before he got the chance. There’s no point waiting around to do something because you really never know what’s going to happen. If you’re putting something off and waiting for ‘the right time’ then stop it. There is no right time and if you wait around for it then you’ll always be waiting. Do it now.

That sounded preachy, right? Anyway.

It’s Father’s Day and so I thought a dad film was necessary. I really wasn’t expecting to like this (I don’t know why?) but I couldn’t have been more wrong. It was really great and not at all ridiculous like I thought it was going to be.


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