Wednesday 5 June 2013

Day 156: Into the Night

Ed (Jeff Goldblum) can’t sleep and after he catches his wife cheating on him, he can’t be in the house either. He heads off to the airport in the middle of the night and his dreary life is changed forever. Diane (Michelle Pfieffer) comes crashing onto the hood of his car and the two try to escape the men chasing her.

According to the BBC, we spend half our waking hours daydreaming. I thought it was more than that but perhaps the rest of you have interesting jobs and whatnot so you don’t have to be daydreaming quite so much. Anyway, a very common feature of my daydreams is a spontaneous adventure. Along the same lines of the film, I’d love for a stranger to come into my life and for us to have to do something exciting and perhaps even a bit dangerous. Maybe this opportunity has shown itself before but I missed it. I want an adventure.

The film was alright but nothing special. I wouldn’t watch it again but that’s not to say I didn’t like it. I did laugh a couple of times and some scenes were good. On the whole I'd say you're not missing anything if you never watch this film.


1 comment:

  1. "This intro is far too long. Over 3 minutes is just obscene for an intro.
    You look very different clothed to how you look naked, lady.
    Oh dear, is your wife cheating on you? How are you managing to act normal with her? I'd have left her in a heartbeat.
    Run, Pieffer. Run!
    Well, you saved her, guess you're stuck with her now.
    Obsessed with Elvis much? Jesus.
    What are you taking out of your vagina? What did I just see happen?
    Why would you give the stones to her? You must know they'd check her.
    Aaaaah there's still another hooour.
    So, they're dead. Yes.
    Bowie again!
    You're gonna have sex while you still have gum in your mouth?
    Pfieffer the genius!
    Ha what, so now everybody gets shot? Why even bother if everybody just dies at the end? Oh wait, that's basically Shakespeare."
