Saturday 6 July 2013

Day 187: Run Lola Run

Lola’s (Franka Potente) boyfriend needs 100,000 Deutschmarks in 20 minutes or he’ll be killed. She runs off and does her best to get him the money in time.

We’re given three versions of what could happen during those 20 minutes. As Lola is running past various people we see snapshots of their future. In the different versions, she meets them in slightly different ways (bumps into them in one but just misses them in another, for example) and so the snapshots of the future are not the same. This seemingly minor encounter with a running stranger has an effect on the people's lives, even if it would seem ridiculous to think it would be significant. The point being here that our interactions with others can have consequences that would’ve been impossible to foresee. We don’t know how our behaviour will affect other people and so it’s important to be aware of that, I’d say. Obviously you can’t be completely aware of everything but I think we could all do with being a little bit more considerate (just a generalisation there, maybe some of you are super considerate already?). When people are scared or upset or annoyed they have the tendency to try and lash out and cause the most damage. You can’t take back something once you’ve said it and you can’t ever go back to a time when you didn’t say it. And it’s rarely ever worth saying. There's a line from 'The God of Small Things' by Arundhati Roy which I think fits here, "That's what careless words do. They make people love you a little less." 

I really love this film. It’s so trippy and disorientating. The fast pacing, flashing images, interesting music, and shock scenes all add up to a great viewing experience. I always find it really interesting when you consider how things could’ve gone if you’d done something a little different, and so this film is perfect for that.


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